Biotech Equipment Sales, Inc., is based in the Birthplace of Biotech and dedicated to bringing high quality pre-owned laboratory instrumentation to our scientific community.

BES has these recent model, well-taken-care-of instruments for sale at our South San Francisco showroom. Most items come with our standard 90-day warranty. Extended warranties are available. Select a category to browse and let us know what interests you.


Thermo 370 Double-Stack CO2 Incubators, from 2018

Temperature Range: 5°C above ambient to +50°C (122°F); ...

Sales price: $6,250.00

Thermo Biosafety Cabinet 1345

4 ft.; with motorized lift stand.

Sales price: $6,250.00

Thermo Cryo Plus 1

Thermo Forma Cryo Plus 1 (m/n 7400) liquid nitrogen storage ...

Sales price: $4,500.00
Sales price: $3,250.00

Thermo Finnpipette MCP8 50-300µl

New in Box! 8 channel; 50-300µl

Sales price: $355.00

Thermo Fisher Scientific TSX Series High-Performance Refrigerator

TSX Series Biomedical Refrigerator, 30 cu ft, glass door, ...

Sales price: $3,250.00

Thermo Helios Aquamate 2000E

The Thermo Helios Aquamate 9423 AQA 2000E UV-Vis ...

Sales price: $2,500.00
Sales price: $9,650.00

Thermo HERAcell Vios 250i Double-Stack CO2 Incubators

With stainless steel chambers. From 12/2021.

Sales price: $10,950.00

Thermo Heracell VIOS 250i LK Single-Chamber CO2 Incubator

9 cu ft capacity; stainless steel chamber; stackable.

Sales price: $7,500.00

Thermo Heraeus Multifuge X3F

Max RCF: 25314 x g; Max Speed: 15200 rpm

Sales price: $5,250.00

Thermo IEC 8850 8x50mL Rotor Multi/Multi RF

Thermo IEC 8850 8 x 50mL with rotor lid for Thermo IEC ...

Sales price: $1,400.00

Thermo Invitrogen Neon Model MPK5000 Transfection System

Sample Type (Specific): Plasmid DNA, Synthetic siRNA

Sales price: $2,650.00

Thermo Labsystems Multidrop DW

Dispenses liquids into 96 standard and DW plates across 20 ...

Sales price: $3,200.00

Thermo Labsystems Multidrop Micro

1-50 µl into 384- and 96-well microplates; stand-alone ...

Sales price: $3,500.00

Thermo Lindberg Blue M BF51732PBFMC-1 Box Furnace

0.6 cu.ft. capacity; 100-1200ºC temperature range

Sales price: $26,000.00

Thermo Masterflex Peristaltic Pump 1300-3100

With Masterflex L/S EasyLoad Head II model 77201–60

Sales price: $1,350.00

Thermo MaxQ 2000 Digital Orbital Shaker

Operates in temperature ranges of 4 to 40C.

Sales price: $1,150.00

Thermo MaxQ 2508 Benchtop Orbital Shaker

Speed can be set from 40rpm to 400 rpm.

Sales price: $950.00

Thermo MaxQ 4000 Model 4342 Refrigerating Benchtop Incubator Shaker

Speed Range: 15 to 500 RPM, ±1 RPM; Temp Range:

Sales price: $4,500.00

Thermo MaxQ 6000 Refrigerating Incubator Shaker

With universal platform and static shelf. 

Sales price: $6,250.00

Thermo NapCOIL UF 500 -80 Freezer

The NapCOIL*, cooling-coils-in-the-shelf design is a new ...

Sales price: $4,850.00

Thermo Neslab EX10 Recirculating/Heating Water Bath

The Thermo Scientific NESLAB EX-10 10 liter heating baths ...

Sales price: $700.00

Thermo Orion Advanced Conductivity Meter, Model 162A

Used for a wide variety of applications.

Sales price: $150.00

Thermo Scientific HERAcell Vios 250i Double Stack CO2 Incubators

Copper chamber, double-stack, 255 L / 9.0 cubic feet

Sales price: $10,500.00
Sales price: $4,500.00

Thermo Shandon Cytospin 4

Thermo Shandon Cytospin 4 Cytocentrifuge w/rotor

Sales price: $7,500.00

Thermo Sorvall X4R Pro-MD centrifuge with TX-1000 4-place Swinging Bucket Rotor

With up to 4L capacity, they allow spinning 196 blood ...

Sales price: $12,500.00
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