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Mettler Toledo AB54-S Analytical Balance

SOLD Mettler Toledo AB54-S Analytical Balance

SOLD Mettler Toledo AB54-S Analytical Balance - 

Specifications - AB54-S Analytical Balance
Maximum Capacity 51.0 g
Readability 0.1 mg
Repeatability 0.1 mg
Linearity ± 0.2 mg
Settling time (typical) 3.5 s
Adjustment with internal weights on push button
Adjustment with external weights 50 g
Sensitivity temperature drift 2.5 ppm/°C
Interfaces RS232-C, Sub-D 9pin
Size of weighing pan ø 80 mm
Free height above weighing pan 237 mm
Dimensions 245x321x344 mm (WxDxH)
Material Number(s) 11124770
Trade Name AB54-S,AB54-S/A,AB54-S/M

Electrical requirement: 8-14.5V, 50/60Hz, 6VA, 9.5-20V; 6W

Use only with AC/AC Adapter No. 11103741