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Eppendorf MixMate 3-in-1 mixer with 96-well head

SOLD Eppendorf MixMate 3-in-1 Mixer Model 5353 w/96 well head


The 3-in-1 mixer for plates, tubes and vortex mixing. This high speed instrument guarantees complete mixing of your samples in seconds. Unique 2DMix-Control provides optimized mixing with anti-spill technology.

The MixMate is a compact and amazingly versatile mixer, specially designed for mixing small volumes (5 μL – 2 mL) in numerous plate and tube formats. The fast and precisely controlled mixing movements (2DMix-Control) enable efficient and homogeneous mixing of samples in all vessel formats - allowing MixMate to be used for virtually any application. It accommodates micro test tubes, PCR plates, PCR strips, deepwell plates, and MTPs. The integrated touch vortex function, with minimal hand/arm vibration transfer (Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept®), completes this unique product profile. The innovative additional 2 second run timer allows vortexing your next sample without restarting.
Features -
 High-speed mixer (3,000 rpm) for fast and efficient mixing of small volumes in all common vessel formats up to 2 mL

2DMix-Control technology (planar mixing orbit without vertical movement) for controlled mixing and reproducible results in seconds
Anti-spill technology for controlled mixing movements without lid wetting and cross-contamination

Applications - 

 Resuspending pellets (e.g., bacteria, DNA, cell culture pellets)
Mixing PCR setups
Mixing viscous liquids and suspensions (incl. beads)