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Buchi R-210 with Specialized B-495 Bath

R-210 Rotary Evaporator with Specialized B-495 self replenishing bath.
Buchi R-210 with Specialized B-495 Bath

!!!! - RECENTLY SOLD - !!!!

* PLASTIC+GLASS ( P+G) is a unique protective layer for glass components. It offers improved mechanical damage resistance and increases protection against broken glass. It also makes sure that the solvent in the receiving flask is not spilling, if the glass is damaged.



With a heating capacity of 1300 W, the B-495 provides enough energy for a fast distillation. In addition the B-495 can be used as a water bath up to 100°C. The B-495 is additionally equipped with a automatic water level control (bath replenishment).



Complete with dry ice condenser and two 1 Liter flasks.


-!!! SOLD !!!-