Olympus Model CK2
Olympus Model CK2 Inverted Microscope
!!!! SOLD !!!!
Olympus Model CK2 Inverted Microscope -
The highly advanced Olympus CK2 Series inverted microscopes provide convenience, versatility, and a rapid operational capability both for brightfield and phase contrast observation.
The CK2 Series are the only routine and research microscopes with a single condenser system which can handle a 4X to 40X magnification range without modifications.
A4 (0.10, 160/-)
A10PL (0.25, 160/0.17)
A20PL (0.40, 160/1.2)
10X Achromat objectives
Eyepieces: CWHK 10X/18L (x2)
Lens: ULWCD 0.30
Lamp: 6v 20w
Biotech Equipment Sales, Inc.
226 Miller Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
650-871-5707 office
650-276-7487 fax